Fireside Chats

Fireside Chat with Crones ~ February

Having decided to change the format of these wonderful chats to the Equinox & Solstice, I found myself missing my monthly creativity.  Today I sat down, communed with spirit and compiled a short video expressing the wisdom, serenity and love of our Elders in Nature.  Enjoy!

~ The Soul Traveler

Fireside Chat with Crones - Suzanne Wigginton

There are those moments in time when what you imagine an event could be and what takes place do not disappoint.  Those are special times and are often marked by divinity's essence and blessing.

The Fireside Chat for October waited to appear until the end of the month.  The taping was originally scheduled for the evening of October 21 and that morning I rose knowing that there would be a need to reschedule.  I reached out to Suzanne offering flexibility and it was readily accepted.  Not concerned about moving it to the next week and sending supporting energy to Suzanne, I glanced at the calendar discovering that Mercury would not be going direct until Saturday, October 25, and giggled.  The Universe knows the normal computer challenges I still wrestle with in the creation of these chats and once again had interceded on our behalf.   I am not one to shy away from Mercury retrogrades and often welcome the opportunity to use that time to review and tweak my growth yet I do honor its placement in our lives and know it can be a trickster.

Arriving at our scheduled time the next week came with a lightness and no rushing in preparing for the chat.  The moment proceeded to descend into its slot with a very distinct flavor of beauty.  It is really hard to explain in words and yet this particular flavor of beauty is very present within the video.


Working and chatting with Suzanne has always brought both of us many moments of deep Ah-ha's and pivotal shifts for our individual lives.  It is a friendship that developed during our shamanic apprenticeship 3 years ago, blossomed on a trip to Ireland, and matured over many a night of giggling and honesty.  Reflecting as I write this, I really shouldn't have been surprised that the imagined exchange between us became a reality.

Our discussion reflects the steps we have taken into our crone years.  I, being baptized into my crone-hood several years ago and Suzanne just inching her way onto the crone path, both of us represent the higher request - to ignite the light for crones anywhere on their path, mentor those to come, and bring back into the world the beauty of the wisdom of the elders.

Reaching a 'certain age' one should have it all by then, have it all accomplished and as we chatted, .... "hope you have accomplished everything you set out to do...Well WHY???  I still have the magic and majesty of my Crone years now to create something else altogether if I choose to........ and that's a piece I think we are missing overall a piece we have lost."  

As women, we should all be cookie bakers and apron wearers but by who's standards?  Cookies and aprons are needed in the world as well as the Maxine's.  Life hasn't ended just because we are crones.

As long time crones, new crones, or just embarking, what is it we so want to accomplish before we depart? What is it that we can bring to this world that helps mentor all of us, all women, men, & children, past, present and future?  To know the magic of the world, to just be in it, is one of the many gifts the crone brings to the world.  To understand that we, as crones, come full circle and are back in the energy of the divine child is a much needed quality in this world.  What inner child dreams are whispering to you to come full circle and experience?  

There is so much depth in this chat!  I have so enjoyed listening over and over to the exchange of two women desiring to bring more into the world, bring to all who have experienced a disconnect to the empowerment of our later wisdom years. We don't have the answers but we are willing to ask the questions hoping to ignite the light in the darkness that has laid dormant for women generation after generation of the wisdom that comes from living our lives as fully as we can.  We ALL hold a piece for each other.  

I hope you enjoy this chat as much as we enjoyed creating it.  I am honored to have Suzanne be apart of this much bigger piece that the Universe is driving.

I welcome your comments, thoughts, and dreams.  Being a crone is about being you, the divine essence that is here now, asking to be given a voice, a signature that will add upon the light brightening this awesome aspect of life...... the final journey.  

And the journey continues ~ The Soul Traveler

Connect with Suzanne here ~ 



Souls Aloft Radio


Fireside Chat with Crones - The Mythology of the Crone

Elli is the Norse Goddess of old age, who overcame the mighty Thor in a wrestling match.

Elli is the Norse Goddess of old age, who overcame the mighty Thor in a wrestling match.

So excited for the September video on Fireside Chat with Crones.  Jenn Poniatowski has joined me to chat about the mythology of the crone.  We laughed as we delved further into the crone presence which sometimes morphed to meet acceptable cultural demands yet has never completely gone.

Throughout history the crone has been present.  At one point she was said to 'eat children', remember Hansel & Gretel, always disfigured with all physical beauty gone she often sparked fear in young children and many women.  The crone as mythology speaks of courage, adaptability, and natural physical changes.  

"Crones are creator beings not just the death bringers.  They are midwives who helped birth the new & were there during the crossing over.  They were the midwives to the Other Worlds in both directions."  Jenn explains this wonderful role as we discuss bridging the gaps between generations and women as a whole.

The crone was honored throughout the world mythology.  It is only over time that the true stories and essence of the crone has been muted.  

I hope you enjoy our chat!  We certainly did!  Would love to hear your thoughts.

And the journey continues ......

The Soul Traveler

Fireside Chat - Spiritual Equality

My guest, Evy O'Leary-Bennett, chatted with me on the subject of Spiritual Equality.  It was a welcome discussion with many eye-opening shares and fun-filled quips.

Spiritual equality is a subject we don't often discuss.  Looking at it from the impact it has in all aspects of our life enables us to move through our constraints bringing forward a communal way of living.  We are all experiencing being human.  We all have special gifts that blossom at different intervals.  

As we venture further down our path, taking time to reflect on spiritual equality will set into motion the change we all desire in the world.  Are we sharing our knowledge and ourselves to others in the manner of equality?  As teachers and mentors are we standing in equality with those we are supporting, holding them in an equal role allowing for those moments of shared student/teacher exchange?  As we are learning from others are we standing in our equality or are we taking the role of less than finding ourselves wanting to 'kill the teacher'? Are we viewing our shadow sides in equality?

We have come into this world, this lifetime, to remember who are truly are.  We may be further along the path in certain aspects from others but we are not the one who is wiser, more knowledgeable in all the many aspects of our journey.   We are all brilliant spiritual beings remembering, uncovering, and sharing our discoveries with the intent to support each other to becoming all that we are.  Because this is a collective endeavor holding each other in equality enables the ripples to move further and further encompassing many who might not be reached.  We are all both teacher and students in our journeys through this life.

Spending the August Fireside Chat with Evy in laughter and discovery broadened our relationship enriching both our reaches in our individual paths.  Our desire is to share with you our experience of spiritual equality. 

Would love to hear your views and experiences on spiritual equality.  Hope you enjoy our chat as much as we did!

The Soul Traveler ~

This is the August Fireside Chat with Evy O'Leary-Bennett. Our discussion focused on spiritual equality.

Fireside Chat with Crones

Fireside Chat with Crones.jpg

This came to me as a whim.  Little did I know that it was a serious request from Spirit and how well the subject would be accepted.  For me I have felt so often the need for a crone or elder wisdom keeper in my life.  Even now as I step further into my crone shoes I relish the time I have with other elders.  The joy, freedom, and community present is palpable and revealing of the quintessential gift from those times.  

I thought about how best to create a genre that would bring eldership and crones back out into the world for not only our youth but also for other crones & elders.  Creating a video series gave me the opportunity to show the physical and inner beauty of our Wisdom Keepers. Our American society focuses on youthfulness and often times considers women over 50 as "out to pasture" leaving a mark on the beauty of aging for only one sex - female.  We know as crones that it is the inner beauty that shines through and brings the gifts.  Now is the time to step forward proudly, with confidence and compassion, bringing back into our society the true gorgeous essence of the crone.  The world needs us now more than ever.  

I hope you enjoy these series of videos.  I know I enjoyed creating them, learning the technical side, and look forward to sharing the wisdom of the elders.  Each month I will feature a woman who exemplifies the wisdom crone.

Sit back grab a cup or glass of your favorite beverage and enjoy.  Feel free to comment below where we will interact with you.  Also, please visit us on Facebook at Fireside Chats: Wisdom Keepers

I would like to introduce Wendy Weatherwax who was gracious enough to be my first guest on Fireside Chat with Crones.  Please feel free to comment below.  Also visit our page on Facebook at Fireside Chats - Wisdom Keepers